World Festival of Animated Film /
short and feature film edition 9 - 14 June 2015
World Festival of Animated Film / short and feature film edition 9 - 14 June 2015
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Authors   |   Frank Ternier


Born in Tours (France) in 1975, Frank Ternier is a film maker, editor and graphic designer. He is a “jack of all trades” in the image sector. He has created the association L’Astronef and Neutron production in order to work with other film directors and technicians. With Charles-Eric Petit, he co-produced two short films, including La perle fendue (The Split Pearl) starring Jean Rochefort. Since 2006, he has collaborated on creating videos for the theater with the troupe Théâtre à Cru. Following these experiences, Frank made ​​his first animated film, Le di@ble en bouche which received the 2011 Special Credit for professional movies at the National Festival of Animated Films of the AFCA.