Festival Council: Mladen Čutura (president), Nicole Salomon (honorary member), Milan Blažeković, Marija Nemčić, Ivica Njerš, Fazlija Premilovac, Pavao Štalter, Krešimir Zimonić
Festival Director: Joško Marušić
Organization Direction: Margit Antauer Buba
Films entered for competition: 240
Participating countries: 23
Films in competition: 60
International Selection Committee
Georges Sifianos – France
Zoltan Szilagyi Varga - Hungary
Krešimir Zimonić - Croatia
International Jury
Giannalberto Bendazzi - Italy
Borivoj Dovniković Bordo - Croatia
Piotr Dumala - Poland
Joan C. Gratz - USA
Nicole Salomon - France
Official Awards
Lifetime Achievement Award: Dušan Vukotić, Croatia
Grand Prix: The Wrong Trousers, Nick Park, Great Britain
Awards in categories
Films from 30 sec to 5 min
First award: Britannia, Joanna Quinn, Great Britain
Two equal Second awards:
Chiome d'oro Golden Locks, Klaartje Schrijvers, Belgium
Snjegovići Snowmen, Stiv Šinik, Croatia
Films from 5 to 30 min
First award: La basse cour A Feather Tale, Michele Cournoyer, Canada
Two equal Second awards:
In the Time of Angels, David Anderson, Great Britain
Secrets of the City, Cathy Linsley, Australia
Best First Film
Blindscape, Stephen Palmer, Great Britain
Special award for design
Petite jeune fille dans Paris A Young Girl in Paris, Lys Flowerday, France
Special award for education through humour
Safe Sex - the Manual, Greg Lawson, the Netherlands
Award for the best choice of student films submitted for pre-selection (at the discretion of the Selection Committee)
Royal College of Art, Great Britain
Films by Dušan Vukotić
Films by Nag & Gisele Ansorge
The History of Hungarian animation
Best of Annecy ‘93
Cities Say Hello (on the 900th anniversary of the City of Zagreb)
My Choice (program of films chosen by the Jury members)
Croatian animation abroad
Walt Disney’s Animated Features
The Jungle Book
The Beauty and the Beast
Artwork by Dušan Vukotić (curated by Igor Zidić)
Artwork by Tomislav Špikić
Artwork by Ljerka Njerš
History of Croatian Animation (curated by Veljko Krulčić)
Cartoon Heroes on Stamps
Poster by: Goran Sudžuka