World Festival of Animated Film /
22 - 26 June 1992
World Festival of Animated Film / 22 - 26 June 1992
hr | en

Festival Council: Zdenko Gašparović (president), Milan Blažeković, Zlatko Bourek, Ivica Njerš, Pavao Štalter, Nikica Valentić, Krešimir Zimonić

Artistic Director: Joško Marušić

Managing Director: Margit Antauer Buba

Films entered for competition: 310
Participating countries: 20
Films in Grand Competition: 85

International Selection Committee
Tomislav Špikić - Italy
Žarko Petan - Slovenia
Boris Kolar - Croatia

International Jury
Robi Engler - Switzerland
Vladimir Gončarov - Ukraine
Miroslav Ilić - USA
Nikola Kostelac – Croatia
Joanna Woodward – Great Britain

Official Awards

Lifetime Achievement Award: Bob Godfrey, Great Britain

Grand Prix: Franz Kafka, Piotr Dumala, Poland

Awards in categories

Films from 30 sec to 5 min
Le carre du lumier The Square of Light, Claude Luyet, Switzerland

Films from 5 to 30 min
Reči, reči, reči Words, Words, Words Michaela Pavlatova, Czech Republic

Best First Film
Konservfilm The Canfilm, Zlatin Radev, Bulgaria

Special award for design
Papageno, Sarah Ropert, Great Britain

Special award for humor
Body Beautiful, Joanna Quinn, Great Britain

Special award for technical achievement
Dim Grim, Marek Skrobecki, Poland

Films by Bob Godfrey
Spanish Animation Retrospective (selection Jordi Artigas)
Jewels from Festival Archive
Best of Annecy '91

Animated Feature
Andrey Khrjanovsky: Shkola izyashjnikh isskustv, Russia

Artwork by Bob Godfrey
Artwork by Mirko Ilić
20 years of the Festival

History of Animation in the USA, Tim Smith, USA
How Animation Can Help in Teaching, Tim Smith, USA
Computer Animation in Architecture, Goce Vaskov, Zagreb

Poster by: Krešimir Zimonić