World Festival of Animated Film /
short and feature edition 5 to 10 June 2017
World Festival of Animated Film / short and feature edition 5 to 10 June 2017
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Expanded Animation – from Virtual Reality to Live Animation
At the 26th Animafest Zagreb all the pretty faces of animation will not be represented only by the opulent line-up but also with an exclusive world premiere of animation in virtual reality, a series of talks, performances and other events
Plan for the weekend - Ribnjak!
Only a few days left before the beginning of the 26th edition of the World Festival of Animated Film – Animafest Zagreb, which is giving its audience two more free open air screenings – a big screen, a green and a dance party!
Tradition and/or Revolution: Animafest 2016
From the most classic animation techniques to the world premiere of animation in virtual reality, from Oscar-winning classics to animanarchy, and – of course – competitions!
Animafest and TED-Ed reward your ideas
After last year's successful cooperation with Animafest Zagreb, TED-Ed, the award-winning training platform used by millions of teachers and students all over the world, is coming back to Zagreb and looking for co-workers!
Animafest open-air is back in Zagreb!
Thanks to Animafest, Zrinjevac park again turned into the most beautiful and most visited Zagreb Cinema which, however, did not need a ticket, but many were looking for 'one blanket more'
From Tetris to the Birth of Fascism: Animation Goes MSU!
This year as well, for this fifth time around, Museum of Contemporary Art’s media façade is giving the public a chance to see a selection of the finest global site-specific animations between 24 May and 11 June