Plan for the weekend - Ribnjak!
Only a few days left before the beginning of the 26th edition of the World Festival of Animated Film – Animafest Zagreb, which is giving its audience two more free open air screenings – a big screen, a green and a dance party!
At ULUPUH and Schira Gallery: Wonders from the Academy of Media Arts Cologne
Jedno od posebnih događanja u sklopu 26. Animafesta kojem se posebno veselimo bit će izložba radova studenata Akademije medijskih umjetnosti u Kölnu - KHM (Njemačka)
Tradition and/or Revolution: Animafest 2016
From the most classic animation techniques to the world premiere of animation in virtual reality, from Oscar-winning classics to animanarchy, and – of course – competitions!
Animation and Music in the Same Rhythm at Animafest
Animafest’s Cinema for the Ear: from Nina Simone to David Gilmour to a house remix of Shirley Bassey
Animafest and TED-Ed reward your ideas
After last year's successful cooperation with Animafest Zagreb, TED-Ed, the award-winning training platform used by millions of teachers and students all over the world, is coming back to Zagreb and looking for co-workers!
Animafest open-air is back in Zagreb!
Thanks to Animafest, Zrinjevac park again turned into the most beautiful and most visited Zagreb Cinema which, however, did not need a ticket, but many were looking for 'one blanket more'
From Tetris to the Birth of Fascism: Animation Goes MSU!
This year as well, for this fifth time around, Museum of Contemporary Art’s media façade is giving the public a chance to see a selection of the finest global site-specific animations between 24 May and 11 June
From Animated Sushi to a Wolf with a Cold – Short Guide to Children and Youth Programme
The most colourful section of this year’s World Festival of Animated Film – Animafest Zagreb was carefully crafted to suit precisely children and young audience!
Interested in projection mapping? Apply for the workshop!
You always wanted to try your hand in projection mapping, but you've never had the chance? Animafest Zagreb will make it possible for you!